If you are a fly angler and use indicators, you will really appreciate the Thingamaleader. I was introduced to a sliding indicator set up through guides while fishing the Yakima and Methow rivers. They made adjusting the depth for particular runs or holes very easy. When I tried creating a reliable knot system to hold the indicator and have it easily slide up and down the line I failed miserably. When I heard that you could buy these pre-tied set ups from Red’s Fly Shop in Ellensburg, I immediately call Joe Rotter over there and got a couple. They come in a package with different sizes of Thingamabob indicators and cost $11.95 each. They just attach to your line with loops. Joe knows how effect this method of indicator fishing is and told me that they had done a video on how to tie your own Thingamaleader, and he was willing to share it. So if you are planning a trip right away, give Red’s a call at 509-933-2300. This is the link to the video, to tie your own: