I have been using spinners, squidders and blades from Kokabow Fishing Tackle for kokanee in Central Washington lakes for years and have had tremendous success with them. I have caught giant kokanee on Lake Roosevelt, limit after limit of kokanee on Lake Chelan, and trout and even sockeye on these lures. When Alan Greenbaugh, owner of Kokabow told me he had a new lure I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some. The new Kokabugs have a solid body and these come in the full range of colors that Kokabow spinners and squidders come in. They have the same Mylar inset blades and double hook set ups. Alan said he has been using these for the past year and is extremely happy with the results. I can’t wait to get out on a kokanee lake and give them a try. You won’t have to wait as long as I did to get some. They are available right now on his web site. Just long onto
www.kokabowfishingtackle.com and you can order some today!